Viewing a client’s plan & details

2 min. readlast update: 05.15.2024

Depending on the access you have been provided and your relationship with a given user, you may be able to see their financial profile and information. Here’s how to access a user’s account and plan information within your admin account:

  • Navigate to User Admin > Users where you will see a full list of your active users.
  • Search for the individual in the table using the search bar to search by name or email address, or the drop-down menu to filter users by group.
  • Once you’ve found the desired user, either click on their name or email address to visit the user details page to see their plan and information.

What’s included in the User Details page

Depending on what products the user can access and whether they have completed their financial profile or not, you should see anywhere from 4 to 6 tabs that you can view.


The summary tab includes high-level financial KPIs and contact information for the user. You can also access some commonly-used tools under Actions such as logging notes, adding a custom activity, emulating the client, and more.


The profile tab contains contact information and family details. From here, you can also adjust the user’s retirement assumptions in the Assumptions accordion at the bottom of the page.


Here you can see all of the participant's financial details and inputs provided in the onboarding survey. Here you will also find the Financial Plan details, KPIs, and calculations.


The engagement tab includes the user’s Action Items (completed, outstanding, & locked), available Modules, and Financial Literacy Courses. From here, you can dismiss some action items or highlight/recommend any Action Item, Module, or Literacy Course for the user to complete.


The engagement tab includes the user’s Report Card, overall grade, and subgrades for each category. You can also view additional details for each subgrade and view the Financial Duress results for the user.


The interactions tab is where you can log private and/or shared interactions (notes), and create Custom Activities for the user.

Actions drop-down menu

From the Actions drop-down menu, you can export the user’s details to a CSV, print a full plan or plan summary pdf, emulate the client, remove the user’s access to the platform, and more.

Related Resources

  1. Emulating a client account
  2. Creating client custom activities
  3. Logging client notes
  4. Highlight & recommend Action Items, Modules, & Literacy
  5. Updating plan assumptions for a client


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