User Management FAQs

7 min. readlast update: 05.22.2024

How do I add or invite new users? 

You can invite new people to sign up for Savology with one of your firm's unique sign-up links, or by sending email invitations directly from the admin portal:

  • Firm Sign-up Link: For users that do not need to be assigned to a specific group, you can provide the firm-wide unique sign-up link, which can be found and copied in the admin portal on both the Home pageor within the Manage Account > Profile page.
  • Group Sign-up Link: If a user needs to be assigned to a specific group, you can copy the group link from the Invite Users > Group Invite Link section, or by visiting User Admin > Groups and selecting the Copy group link option from the 3-dot menu next to the group.
  • Individual Invites: Invite people individually from the admin portal by navigating to the User Admin > Invite Users page. In the User Invite table, enter a single email address and select Send invite to immediately send an email invitation to the person's email address. Optionally, you may also designate a group and a future send date.
  • Bulk Invites: Send invites to a group of people at once from the admin portal by navigating to User Admin > Invite Users. In the User Invite table, you can select to invite one or more users by uploading a CSV or pasting in the email addresses each separated by a space, comma, or line break. Optionally, you may also designate a group and a future send date. Email invites from this tool should only go to those who have provided you with express permission to email them. The emails can be scheduled in advance or initiated right away if the date field is left incomplete. Emails are sent out in batches intermittently to improve deliverability, instead of being sent immediately.

Related Resources:

Can an email invite be sent to an email address more than once?

You can re-send an outstanding email invitation by navigating to the User Admin > Invite Users page, locating the outstanding invite in the table at the bottom, and clicking on the Re-send invite icon next to the email address. An automated reminder, however, will be sent if the first invitation was not accepted within 30 days.

You cannot, however, use the User Invite tool to send an email invitation to the same email address more than once unless you first cancel any previous invitation that was sent from the admin portal.

Why can't I send an invite to some email addresses?

There could be several reasons why an invitation won't send to certain email addresses. A few common cases are:

  • The email address provided is incomplete or incorrect.
  • The email address provided has already been sent an invite from the admin portal and has not yet been accepted.
  • The email address provided has already been used to sign up for the platform.

Where can I see a list of users who have been invited to sign up?

You can see pending invitations in the Admin Portal by navigating to the User Admin > Invite Users page. The table at the bottom shows pending invitations that have been sent directly from the admin portal.

You can re-send pending invitations by selecting the re-send invite icon next to any email address and selecting the Re-send invite icon, or you can cancel pending invitations by selecting the three-dot menu next to any email address and selecting Cancel invite, which will disable the link provided in the email.

People that have signed up using the link and associated email address will then be moved to the User Admin > Users table.

How do I see financial details for my clients who have signed up?

Depending on your relationship with the individual and access you have been provided, you may be able to see each user's financial profile and information. You can access the information by navigating to the User Admin > Users page, searching for the desired user, and clicking on the user's name in the table.

Related Resources

Do people lose access to Savology when separated from the organization?

No, separated users will still have access to the basic Savology features such as the personalized financial plan, report card, and action items. They will, however, lose access to any upgraded features.

Related Resources:

How do I reactivate a separated user?

You will need to contact Savology directly and request for any separated users to be reassociated manually. Please send us an email to to request the account be updated. Please be sure to provide the email address that the individual originally used to sign up for Savology.

How do I make sure my clients see my bio and contact information?

In order for your clients to see your bio and contact info, you need to make sure they are part of a Group where you are listed as the Display Contact.

What are Groups and how are they used?

Groups allow you to separate, view, and invite your firm's users based on criteria that best fit your needs. While there are many use cases for Groups, a few common examples include separating clients by Advisor, tracking where new leads come from, and viewing metrics for employers. Group features also allow you to:

Limit Admin Access: Limit access so that User data can only be seen and accessed by specific Admins.
Manage New Users: Create Group-specific invite URLs and email invites so new users who sign up are automatically assigned to a Group.
Contact Information: Control the contact information that is displayed to Users in a Group.
User Add-Ons : Provide upgraded feature add-ons (like account aggregation or credit) to Users in a Group.

In most cases, Groups don’t significantly change the end-user experience and are mostly used to separate users by the criteria of your choosing. Administrators with sufficient access rights can view and manage your firm’s Groups in User Admin > Groups.

Related Resources:

What are user interactions and what are they for?

With user Interactions, you can create notes and assign activities to individual user’s accounts. These let you log private or share notes, create Custom Activities, and set due dates on Custom Activities. You can create new Interactions or view and manage existing Interactions for a user by visiting the Active Users page, clicking on the user’s name, and then navigating to the Interactions tab. 

Related Resources:

How do I export user details?

You can export a user's profile details to a CSV file by visiting User Admin > Users, clicking on the user’s name, and selecting Export CSV from the drop-down menu located at the top-right corner of the account view.

Can I print a financial plan?

Admins can print a pdf of an active user’s full financial plan or a 5-page plan summary by visiting User Admin > Users, clicking on the user’s name, and selecting either the Print full plan or Print plan summary option from the drop-down menu located at the top-right corner of the account view.

Can I view and change an individual client's plan assumptions?

Savology uses several default assumptions for plan and retirement projections such rates of return, inflation, life expectancy, and others. You can view and adjust assumptions used for individual users through the admin portal.

You can override either the Savology or firm-wide default assumptions for any individual client's plan. Go to User Admin > Users and find and select the user's name to view their account and plan details. On the Profile tab, open the Assumptions accordian to review and make edits to the user's plan assumptions.

Related Resources:

Can a recommended action item be removed from a client's plan?

Users or advisors may dismiss or remove certain action items from an individual client’s plan. Clients can do so by visiting the specific action item's detail page and selecting the Dismiss Action Item link at the bottom.

An advisor may also remove an action item for the client. Go to User Admin > Users, find and select the user's name in the list, and go to the Engagement tab. In the Action Items section, select the trash icon next to the action item you wan to dismiss.

Is Savology secure for my clients?

Savology uses industry best practices to keep information and our systems secure. Savology limits the personally identifiable information collected by not asking for sensitive data like last name, social security number, or date of birth when building a plan which further minimizes risk.

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