Updating plan assumptions for a client

2 min. readlast update: 04.25.2024

Financial planning requires numerous assumptions, and a Savology plan is no exception. Savology uses several default assumptions for retirement projections such as rates of return, inflation, life expectancy, and others. Users and Advisor Admins can adjust some or all of these assumptions.

Advisor-made updates to assumptions for a client

Admins with access to a user can also adjust the planning assumptions for the individual’s plan.

  • Navigate to User Admin > Users, locate the user in the active user list, and click on their name or email address to view the account and plan details.
  • On the user's Profile tab, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the Assumptions accordion
  • Review and make any necessary edits to the values listed in the Rate Assumptions & Retirement Assumptions tables
  • When finished making edits, be sure to click on the save icon at the top-right corner of the table to save your changes
  • Any changes saved will automatically override any previous values used and apply to the user's plan

Client-made updates: Change Plan Assumptions Module

Each client can also complete the Change Plan Assumptions module to review, change, and implement the planning assumptions values for their own plan.

  • In their Savology account, navigate to the Modules page in the left-hand menu
  • Find the module named Change Plan Assumptions and select Review
  • Go through each step of the module to review Savology's default assumptions and replace any to see how it affects their outcomes
  • Review and compare the results at the end of the Module where they can choose to save the new assumptions to their plan or revert to the defaults

Change Plan Assumptions Module Overview

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