Updating firm settings & assumptions

3 min. readlast update: 08.22.2024

Note: Firm settings can only be adjusted by administrators with Account Management access rights. Learn more about admin roles and access rights by visiting Admin Roles, Permissions, & Access Rights. 

Firm Setting Overview

You can manage additional firm-level settings in your account by navigating to Manage Account > Settings. Outlined below are details for the core settings and customizations.

Hiding literacy courses & planning modules

You can manage the list of literacy courses and modules that are displayed and made available to your users by editing the appropriate tables and selecting off or on for each item listed. Important Note: At least 4 literacy courses and 4 modules from each list must remain on.

Survey Settings

  • Require last name: Turning this setting on will require new users to enter their last name when completing the onboarding survey. Keep in mind that doing so may lower completion rates for users that have privacy concerns. It’s generally recommended that turning on this setting should only be done if you plan on working with clients with whom you have an existing relationship.

Profile Settings

  • Default display title: The default title used for the firm admin's contact cards. Each can override the firm default when updating their own bio.
  • Hide firm contact information: Turning on this setting will hide all organization and advisor contact information and bios for all users. If turned on, you won’t have any options to display contact information to any of your users, regardless of group settings.

Financial Goal Questions

By default, the Financial Goals module available to users includes George Kinder’s 3 Questions for life planning. Here you can override the three questions with your own custom questions.


  • Block marketing emails: Turning on this setting will prevent users from receiving most education emails from Savology related to their financial plan. This setting, however, will not block administrative-type emails such as password reset.
  • Compliance Bcc: Add an email address that will be blind copied on all user emails from Savology. Generally, this is used for record retention purposes.
  • Bcc assigned admin: Turning on this setting will blind copy admins on all emails sent from Savology to their assigned users.

Adjusting Global Assumptions

Savology uses several default assumptions for retirement projections like rates of return, inflation, life expectancy, and others. You can override Savology’s default assumptions and set different firm-wide default assumptions that will apply to any new users who sign up.

Flag Life Insurance Calculations

Turning this setting on adds a footnote to the Life Insurance Need calculation modal of your clients' financial plans. The footnote states that your firm may have a different way to determine life insurance needs with a prompt to reach out for additional information.

The life insurance need calculation can be found in the client's portal by visiting My Plan > Financial Plan > Risk and viewing the details in the Life Insurance Coverage card.

Below are an example footnote and screenshot: 

"Sample Advisor Firm may have a different methodology for calculating life insurance needs. Contact your planner for additional information about their life insurance recommendations."

Show Org Logo on Mobile

This setting is only visible and applicable to firms that co-brand the Savology experience. When both Savology's & the Advisor's logos are displayed, branding on the mobile experience is different than the desktop experience since only one logo can be shown at a time. By default, Savology's logo will display on the mobile experience, however, a firm can update their firm settings to show their firm logo instead by toggling the the Show organization logo on mobile to On.

Related Resources

  1. Details on Savology default planning assumptions
  2. Updating firm-wide default assumptions
  3. Updating plan assumptions for a client


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