Updating firm & individual agent's contact info

4 min. readlast update: 08.26.2024

The firm and agent bios allow you to update and control the contact information displayed to your clients on the platform.

Review and update the firm bio

The firm bio controls the firm’s contact information that is displayed to users on the platform. If you’ve already completed the steps outlined in the Customizing the firm account page, you have likely already provided all of the details needed to complete the firm bio and contact information.

Tip: Unless your firm has elected to hide all contact information from users, every one of the firm’s active clients will see some or all of the firm’s contact information. 

Review the firm bio 

You can review the firm contact card displayed to clients on the Manage Account > Bios page.

Update the firm bio 

You can make edits to the contact info, logo, and ADV/disclosures displayed on the firm contact card by visiting Manage Account > Profile.

To update the firm contact info: Edit the Company Information table where you can add or update the following contact information shown on the firm contact card:

  • Common name: Firm name displayed
  • Phone Number: Firm phone number 
  • Email: (optional) Firm email address
  • Schedule link: (optional) Firm schedule link 
  • Document sharing link: (optional) Firm document sharing link

To update the firm logo: Add or change the logo shown in the firm contact card in the Primary logo table.

To update the ADV link and disclosures: Edit the firm ADV link and disclosure text in the Disclosures table.

Review and update individual advisor bios

By default, active clients will see only the firm's contact information within the portal. However, you have several options through groups and firm settings to determine which users or groups see a specific advisor's contact information and bio. 

Each advisor can review and update their own bio, but admins with full access can also view and manage the same details for each active advisor.

Navigate to Manage Account > Profile, and locate the Agent bios section where a contact card is displayed for each active admin.

To update an agent’s contact information and bio: 

Click the pencil icon at the top-right corner of the agent’s contact card to view and edit the following fields:

  • First & Last Name: Admin's name displayed to clients
  • Email: Email address displayed to clients - can be different than the admin’s Savology account email
  • Phone Number: Agent's phone number displayed to clients
  • Schedule link: (optional) Agent’s schedule link displayed to clients
  • Document sharing link: (optional) Agent’s document sharing link displayed to clients
  • Display Title: Title displayed to clients when referring to the agent (There is also a global firm setting for agent display title, but selecting one here will override the firm default)
  • Bio: Additional details and background information about the agent
  • Default Bio: For clients who are not assigned to a specific admin, the firm’s default setting is to display the firm contact card only. Selecting the default bio will override the default and display this agent's information to any unassigned users. Only one bio can be assigned as the default for the firm at a time.

When finished updating the agent’s contact information, select Save.

To update an agent’s headshot:

Click the pencil icon next to the photo placeholder and in the modal that appears do the following:

  • Drag and drop a file or select Choose file to browse and upload a file that is saved to your computer. After adding the file, click Review and edit.
  • On the next screen, click and drag within the box to crop the headshot to a circle shape. When finished cropping the image, select Save.

Tip: For best results, we recommend the file be in a PNG or JPEG format, have a transparent background, be less than 100 KB, and have a square aspect ratio. 

Related Resources

  1. Adding your own agent bio


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