Updating firm default plan assumptions

1 min. readlast update: 04.25.2024

Financial planning requires numerous assumptions, and a Savology plan is no exception. Savology uses several default assumptions for retirement projections such as rates of return, inflation, life expectancy, and others. Users and Advisor Admins can adjust some or all of these assumptions.

Adjusting firm-wide default assumptions

Admins with sufficient permissions can override Savology’s default assumptions and set firm-wide default assumptions that will apply to any new client who signs up.

  • Navigate to Manage Account > Settings, and in the Planning Assumptions table, click on the pencil icon at the top right corner
  • Move the Settings toggle to Custom
  • Review and make any necessary edits to the default assumptions listed
  • When finished making edits, click on the save icon at the top-right corner of the table to save your changes

Related Articles

  1. Updating plan assumptions for a client
  2. Details on Savology default planning assumptions

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