Customize the firm account

4 min. readlast update: 08.26.2024

Important Note: This page outlines firm-level settings and customizations that can only be viewed and adjusted by administrators with Account Management access rights. Other firm admins can review how to update their own individual agent bio by visiting the Add your agent bio page. You can also learn more about admin roles and access rights by visiting Admin Roles, Permissions, & Access Rights.

Complete the company profile

Each firm and advisor has the flexibility to personalize some of the Savology experience to your firm and individual specifications. To begin, first review and complete the Company Profile. Here you can manage and update your firm’s account details, contact info, logos, disclosures, and more.

Update Company Information

Some of the company information provided is used for account management purposes, while other details are used to update the firm’s contact information displayed to clients. 

  • Navigate to Manage Account > Profile, and in the Company Information table, click on the pencil icon to review and make edits to the following fields:
    • Company legal name: Firm name listed on invoices
    • Common name: Firm name displayed to users in the platform
    • Address: Firm address used for billing and invoicing purposes
    • Phone Number: Firm number displayed to users in the platform
    • Email: (optional) Firm email displayed to users in the platform
    • Schedule link: (optional) Firm schedule link displayed to users in the platform
    • Document sharing link: (optional) Firm document sharing link displayed to users in the platform
  • When finished making edits, be sure to click on the save icon at the top-right corner of the table to save your changes.

Add Firm Logos

You can add or edit the firm’s logos used to brand the landing page and platform. You should add both a primary and secondary logo for light and dark backgrounds. Depending on your firm's service tier and available features, your account may be co-branded with Savology’s logo or may just be branded with your logo.

  • Navigate to Manage Account > Profile, and in the Primary or Secondary logo table, click on the pencil icon at the top-right corner.
  • Click on Choose image, and in the modal that appears, drag and drop a logo file or select Choose file to browse and upload a file that is saved to your computer. After adding the file, click on Review and edit.

Tip: For best results, we recommend logo files be in a PNG or JPEG format, have a transparent background, be less than 100 KB, and have a horizontal aspect ratio of less than 4:1.

  • On the next screen, you can resize and crop the image as needed. When finished cropping the image, select Save.

If adding a Primary logo, you can preview the updated image at the top of the page, or if adding a Secondary logo, you can preview the changes by visiting your firm’s landing page.

Add an ADV link & Disclosure text

Next, add the firm’s ADV link and/or other disclosure language that is displayed to users. The ADV link and disclosure text are visible to your users when clicking on the Disclosures link at the bottom of every webpage in the application’s footer, when viewing the firm’s bio, and on printed financial plans.

  • Navigate to Manage Account > Profile, and in the Disclosures table, click on the pencil icon at the top-right corner to make edits to one or both of the following fields:
    • Firm ADV link
    • Additional disclosure text
  • When finished making edits, be sure to click on the Save icon at the top-right corner of the table to save your changes.

Related Resources

  1. Updating firm and advisor contact info
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