Creating client custom activities

6 min. readlast update: 08.09.2024

Custom Activities

Savology’s planning engine automatically creates and assigns action items for each client who creates a plan. However, there may be cases where an advisor wants to create a custom action for a particular client or set of clients that goes outside what the planning engine is recommending.

Custom activities allow you to create custom actions or to-do’s for clients. A custom activity allows you to notify clients, set due dates, and better track completed and outstanding activities.

What happens when creating a Custom Activity

  • An email notification is sent to the client that a new activity has been created
  • In the client’s Savology account, outstanding custom activities are added to the top of their homepage dashboard and are also viewable from the My Advisor page
  • If a deadline is set on a custom activity, a second email reminder is sent to the client the day before the due date if the custom activity hasn’t yet been completed
  • Custom activities that are marked as complete by clients are added to the Activity > User Activity log in the advisor’s admin account

Note: Outstanding custom activities appearing on a client’s homepage dashboard will replace Savology’s standard Next Steps section and the Onboarding Checklist (if applicable).

Creating a new Custom Activity for a client

  • Go to User Admin > Users, find the client in the active user table, and either click on their name or email address to view their plan and account details.
  • Visit the user’s Interactions tab, and create a new activity by clicking on the New activity button, or clicking the “+” next to the Activities accordion.

  • On the New Activity card that’s created, enter the following details:
    • Template: (optional) Select one of your pre-made templates to auto-populate the details for the new Custom Activity. Learn how to create and manage activity templates through the Custom Activity Templates section below or by visiting Reporting > Activity Templates.
    • Title: Create a title for the new custom activity (i.e. Annual Plan Review)
    • Category: (optional) Select an applicable category from the drop-down menu
    • Deadline: (optional) Set a due date for the custom activity to trigger an additional email reminder the day before the due date if the custom activity has not yet been completed.
    • Description: Add details and additional instructions for the custom activity.
  • When finished, select Create.

View, edit, or delete a Custom Activity

  • On the Interactions tab in the user’s account, click on the Activities accordion.
  • Here you will see a list of all the previous custom activities that have been recorded.
  • Select the edit icon on an interaction card to edit any details or delete the interaction entirely by selecting the trash can icon at the top of the card.
  • When making any changes, select the save icon at the top of the card when finished.

Important Note: You cannot edit or delete a custom activity that has been marked as complete by the client.

Custom Activity Templates

Activity templates are pre-filled templates with titles, messages, categories, and deadlines that can be reused when creating a custom activity for a client. This helps eliminate unnecessary time if you find yourself creating the same or mostly the same custom activity for multiple clients.

Creating a new Custom Activity Template

  • Navigate to Reporting > Activity Templates and select the Create new template button.

  • On the Add Activity Template modal that appears, enter the following details:
    • Template Name: The template name is only visible internally to admins and not to clients.
    • Activity Title: Create a title for the new custom activity (i.e. Annual Plan Review) that will be visible to the client.
    • Category: Select the applicable category from the drop-down menu.
    • Deadline: (optional) Set a due date that’s based on the date the custom activity is actually created. I.e. if 1 week is selected, the due date will be set 7 days after the date the custom activity is created.
    • Activity Description: Add details and additional instructions for the custom activity that will be visible to the client.
    • Auto-create for all new users: Only check this box if you would like the activity template to be auto-created and auto-assigned to all new users who sign up under your Savology account. (Learn more about auto-assigned activities in the section below)
  • When finished, select Create.

Using a Custom Activity Template

When creating a custom activity for a client, you can use one of the custom activity templates you've created to auto-populate all of the details for the custom activity.

  • On a user’s Interactions tab, create a new activity by clicking on the New activity button, or clicking the “+” next to the Activities accordion.
  • On the New Activity card that’s created, select one of your pre-made templates in the Template drop-down menu.
  • You can review and make any changes to the pre-filled details before finalizing.
  • When finished, select Create.

Details on Custom Activity email reminders

Initial email notification

  • When a Custom Activity is created an email is sent to the client notifying them that a new activity has been created. The email contains the title and activity description.

Additional email reminders

  • If a due date was set for the custom activity and the custom activity has not yet been marked as complete, the client will receive a second email reminder the day before the due date.
  • A last email reminder will be sent if the custom activity has not yet been marked as complete. This reminder will go out 60 days after a custom activity's assigned due date, or 60 days after the custom activity has been created if a due date wasn't assigned.

Other ways to use Custom Activity Templates

1) Auto Assign Custom Activities to all new Users

Advisors can scale and automate their efforts by creating custom activities that auto-assign to all new clients when signing up for your Savology account. 

2) Auto Assign Custom Activities to Audiences

Through the reporting tool, advisors can create custom activities that auto-assign to clients who meet the specific criteria of a filtered list (AKA Audience).

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