Create a sample user plan

3 min. readlast update: 07.31.2024

With Savology’s Create plan tool, you can create a transferrable plan, which allows you to create a demo account without requiring a separate login. A transferrable plan is an advisor-created account that hasn't been transferred and accepted by a client. 

Create a transferrable plan

Navigate to User Admin and click the Create plan button located just to the right of the page’s header

In the modal, carefully review the instructions and details on the first page, then select Next and do the following:

  • Enter a First Name and Last Name, select a Group (if applicable), then click Take survey to create a new account.
  • You will automatically begin emulating the new account and be prompted to take the onboarding survey. Complete the survey by answering the questions in each section.
  • When finished, the financial plan, report card, and relevant action items will be generated.
  • You will continue emulating the new account where you can review the user experience, complete modules, review courses, make edits to the account, and more.

💡Note on Emulation: Emulating a user account allows an admin to review and edit the account and plan as if the admin were the end user.

When finished reviewing and making changes, you have two ways to end the emulation and return to your admin account:

  • Select Back to Admin in the yellow notification banner at the top of the screen; or,
  • Select the three-dot menu at the top-right corner of the page and click End Emulation

Transferrable plans will then appear in your list of active users on the User Admin > Users page and have an information icon displayed next to their name

Emulating & making edits to the demo plan

You can emulate the user and make changes to the transferrable plan and account.

  • Navigate to User Admin > Users, find the plan in the list of active users, and click on their name (transferrable plans have an information icon displayed next to their name)
  • In the user account view, select the Actions menu located on the right side of the main heading and click on Emulate
  • You will begin emulating the account and return the full user experience where you can use the plan and make any edits
  • When finished reviewing and making changes, you can end the emulation and return to your admin account by either selecting Back to Admin in the yellow notification banner at the top of the screen or in the three-dot menu at the top-right corner of the page and clicking End Emulation

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