Audiences, Reporting, & User Filters

4 min. readlast update: 01.31.2025

Reporting & Audiences

Savology reporting is a powerful tool used to create, view, and manage filtered lists of your active clients. Reporting filters can help you quickly find ideal prospects, identify which clients need specific attention, build automated workflows to assign custom activities, and more - the possibilities are endless.

With reporting filters, you can build and save filtered lists of clients called Audiences using different criteria such as financial data, demographics, account activity, and more.

Creating an Audience

Audiences allow you to build filtered lists of clients using different criteria such as financial data, demographics, and account activity.

Step 1: Create a filtered list of users

  • Navigate to the Reporting page in your admin account where you will see a full list of your clients.
  • Add a filter by selecting the + Add filter button located below the search bar
    • Click on the Select a filter drop-down menu and select any of the filter options in the menu.
    • Once a filter is selected, you will then enter the required parameters for the search. For example, to see a list of users who have a net worth greater than $100,000, you would select the Net Worth filter, select Greater than in the second drop-down menu, and then enter 100000 in the dollar field.
    • When finished, select the Apply button to apply the filter to the list of users.

  • You can add multiple filters to one search by repeating the previous step. When using multiple filters, the search will only show results for users who meet all of the applicable criteria.
  • When finished, you will see the applied filters just above the list of your users who meet the criteria of the filters added.

Step 2: Save the filtered list as an Audience

  • Once you’ve created a filtered list to your liking, you can then save the list as an Audience by clicking on the save icon to the right of the + Add filter button.

  • In the modal that appears, enter a name for the audience in the Filter Name field and select Save.

  • You can then load and revisit the filtered audience at any time on the Reporting page by selecting it from the Load audience drop-down menu located to the right of the search bar.

How to view & manage saved Audiences

You have two primary options to revisit and load saved audiences.

  1. Reporting Page: You can load and revisit your filtered audiences at any time on the Reporting page by selecting it from the Load audience drop-down menu located to the right of the search bar.

  2. User Audiences Page: You can also view and manage your filtered audiences on the Reporting > Audiences page.

How to use Audiences

Audiences have many uses, but some top cases include:

  • Finding ideal clients: Find and identify ideal clients based on certain financial data and KPIs. For example, you want to know which of your list of users have a net worth over $100,000 and liquid assets over $75,000 so you can do additional outreach and engagement to convert them to paying clients.
  • Customized Outreach: You want to craft a custom email or message to users who have a specific need or meet a specific criteria. For example, you want to get a list of everyone who has dependents so you can send a message about the importance of estate planning or college planning.
  • Bulk Custom Activities: Send a one-off custom activity in bulk to an audience who meet specific criteria. 
  • Automated Custom Activities: Create automated workflows so that custom activity templates are automatically assigned to clients who meet specific audience criteria.

Related Articles

  1. How to create 1-off bulk custom activities to an audience
  2. How to auto-assign activities to audiences
  3. Custom Activities & Activity Templates


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