Admin Roles, Permissions, & Access Rights

3 min. readlast update: 04.25.2024

Admin Roles and Access Rights let you control the information admins can see, changes they can make, and what actions they can take. Only admins with sufficient Access Rights can assign and manage the Roles and Access Rights to limit or enable other admins' capability to perform specific actions within the system.

Admin Roles

Admin Roles determine the Access Rights of each admin. There are four predefined Admin Roles that can be assigned.

  • Primary Admin: Primary contact and admin listed on the account. All Access Rights to view and manage organization settings, user and admin accounts, billing details, and more.
  • Full Admin: All Access Rights to view and manage organization settings, user and admin accounts, billing details, and more.
  • All User Admin: Access Rights to view and manage all users under the organization.
  • Assigned User Admin: Access Rights to view and manage only users and groups that are assigned to the Admin.
  • Settings Admin: Access Rights to view and update account and product settings, organization profile, and to view payment history and add or change payment methods.
  • Billing Only: Access Rights to view payment history and add or change payment methods. Will also receive billing and invoice emails.

Admin Access Rights

Access Rights determine the permission levels, or in other words, what can be accessed by an admin. Access Rights are assigned based on the four default Admin Roles outlined above.

  • General: Has full access to the organization administration portal, including viewing billing details, but won’t receive billing notifications unless those rights are also added
  • Account Management: Can manage organization profile and product settings.
  • Admin Management: can manage, add, and remove other administrators on the account.
  • All Users: Can see and access all users associated with your organization.
  • Assigned Users: Can only access users and groups that are specifically assigned to them.
  • Billing: Can view payment history and add or change payment methods. Will also receive billing and invoice emails.

Admin Roles & Access Rights Overview

Admin Role Access Rights
Primary/Full Admin General, Account Management, Admin Management, All Users, Assigned User, Billing
All User Admin All Users, Assigned Users
Assigned User Admin Assigned Users
Settings Admin Account Management, Billing
Billing Only Billing

Viewing and Editing Admin Roles

Admin Roles and Access Rights are first assigned when inviting a new admin and can be viewed and managed within the User Admin > Admins page. 

  • Login to your Savology Admin account and in the left-hand menu, navigate to User Admin > Admins
  • Locate the Admin in the table, select the three-dot menu icon next to their name, and click on Edit admin.
  • In the modal, you can view the Admin’s role and access rights and can update their Admin role using the Admin Role dropdown menu.

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