Adding custom providers & resources

2 min. readlast update: 05.16.2024

Custom providers and resources allow you to add details, links, and logos for outside partners, services, and content to relevant areas of your user's financial plan, report card, and action items. These can include third-party partners, technology vendors, articles, videos, educational content, and more.

Custom providers

Each user who completes their financial profile receives a list of personalized action items. You can add custom providers to direct your users to other services and resources to help them complete any given action item. You can view, add, and edit your firm’s custom providers directly in the admin portal.

Pro Tip: Test out your first custom provider by adding your firm as a custom provider and assigning it to action item categories where you want additional visibility to clients.

Add a new custom provider

  • Go to Manage Account > Resources and select the New provider button
  • In the modal that appears, provide the necessary details, upload a logo, and select the appropriate categories to add the custom provider to the platform
  • After going through each step, select Finish to save the new provider

Preview or edit a custom provider

You can also preview, edit, or delete an existing custom provider by clicking on the three-dot menu next to the provider’s card and selecting the appropriate option.

Custom resources

Custom Resources allow you to add links to outside articles, videos, and other educational content to your user’s portal.

Add a new custom resource

  • Go to Manage Account > Resources and select the New resource button
  • In the modal that appears, provide the necessary details, add a link, and select the appropriate categories to add the custom resource to the platform
  • Preview the custom resource on the last step and select Finish to save and add the new resource

You can also preview, edit, or delete an existing custom resource by clicking the edit icon next to any custom resource listed and selecting the appropriate option.

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