Adding ADV & Disclosures

1 min. readlast update: 04.24.2024

You can add a firm ADV link and/or other disclosure language that needs to be displayed to users. The ADV link and disclosure text are visible to your users when clicking on the Disclosures link at the bottom of every webpage in the application’s footer, when viewing the firm’s bio, and on printed financial plans.

Adding or updating an ADV link & disclosures

  • Navigate to Manage Account > Profile, and in the Disclosures table, click on the pencil icon at the top-right corner to make edits to one or both of the following fields:
    • Firm ADV link
    • Additional disclosure text
  • When finished making edits, be sure to click on the Save icon at the top-right corner of the table to save your changes.

You can preview the ADV link and disclosure language by previewing the firm contact card on the Manage Account > Bios page.

You can also test out the ADV link in the footer of any page in your admin account or in the client's portal.


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